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The Thomann Corporate Foundation

Assuming responsibility for the future

70 years ago, Hans Thomann Sr’s passion for music led him to become the founder of a music shop and thus lay the foundation stone for today’s Thomann GmbH (limited company). Over time, the Thomann group of companies has grown to become a strong, innovative and independent family company with a long tradition.
Some of the fundamental values of our DNA are our shared passion for music, acting judiciously, reliability, integrity, open-mindedness and sustainability.

Hans Thomann Foundation:
Alongside our success, we also have a great sense of responsibility towards our customers. We want to lend a hand especially to children and young people whose access to making music is limited, giving them the opportunity to get to know the world of music. To realise this ambition, our CEO Hans Thomann founded the charitable Hans Thomann Foundation in 2012. In pursuing its aim to promote both making and studying music, it supports children and teenagers by supplying instruments, contributing to costs of instruction and awarding scholarships.

The new Thomann Corporate Foundation:
However, the future of the company and its employees, too, require safeguarding so that the company can be maintained and developed over the coming generations. To ensure our ability to live up to our values far into the future, creating sustainable structures and securing jobs is imperative.

For this reason, Hans Thomann created a corporate foundation effective of 01 November 2024. Its objective is to ensure the long-term existence, growth and success of the Thomann group of companies sustainably and to crate, in doing so, solid structures for it employees.
The Trust acts as a shareholder, holding 99.9 per cent of the shares in Thomann GmbH. This ensures that profits/dividends are re-invested into the companies and so provide for its employees, secure jobs and pursue selected charitable aims or various kinds.

This structure allows Thomann to continue independently of outside investors and us to do what we love doing most: spreading music all over the world!